If you are using Skype, you need to continue it up-to-appointment for improve user experience and to get some bug fixes. Just exercise you know how to install Skype updates? You can get a detailed tutorial in this post provided by MiniTool Partition Wizard.

Skype, a communication tool for free calls and chat, keeps releasing updates to better the quality, reliability and security of the software. To run Skype properly, y'all'd better update it to the latest version.

The Skype support for Windows XP and Vista has been stopped, and y'all demand to update the operating system to Windows vii or higher version to apply the application on the same computer if you are using an old system.

For Windows 7/8/eight.1/10, Mac, Android, iPad, and iPhone, you can download install the latest Skype update from the official website. You tin also update Skype from the client. Now, allow's run across how to update Skype on different platforms.

How to Update Skype on Windows

If you are using Skype on Windows PC, y'all can install Skype updates by post-obit the steps below.

Step 1: Open Skype awarding by double-clicking the Skype icon on desktop.

Stride 2: When yous go the principal interface of Skype, click the three-dot icon side by side to your profile movie. Then select Aid and feedback.

click Help and feedback

Step 3: Skype will warning you if there is whatsoever available update. You lot but need to select Download to download and install Skype updates. If in that location are no updates, you will receive a bulletin "y'all're on the latest version of Skype".

Afterward updating Skype, y'all tin can restart the app and enjoy the latest version.

How to Update Skype on Mac

The steps to update Skype on Mac is like to that on Window, and hither is the tutorial.

Step 1: Launch Skype on Mac.

Step 2: Click Skype from the meridian menu bar and select Cheque For Updates.

Step three: Click Download if you find any available updates in the pop-up window.

It's easy to update Skype on Mac. At present, it's your turn to take a try!

If you want to update Skype on iPhone, yous need to go to the Apple App Store. And on Android, yous can update Skype in Google Play Store.

Further Tip

As yous see, you tin can download and install the latest version of Skype free of charge.

Some users are worried about their older conversation history after update. You need to know that when you lot update Skype on your device, you can admission your chat history from the past one twelvemonth. The older chat history may be unavailable later the update.

Also, your device needs to meet the organisation requirements and should be the supported platform. Otherwise, you may also lose admission to some of your older conversation history.

A good idea is to consign your Skype files and conversation history if they are of import to you lot. You just need to:

  1. Click here and sign into your account.
  2. Check Conversations, Files, or both options. Then click Submit request. In the popular-up window, click Continue.
  3. When you go back to the export page, y'all should be able to see a link to download your files. Just click Download.
click Download