It's impossible to beat Amazon's lineup of Fire tablets for the coin — even when other companies try, the E-commerce behemothic e'er comes out on top. Unfortunately, even the highest-stop Fire Hard disk drive ten Plus can't compete with tablets from Samsung or Apple tree on operation lone. Similar it or non, Amazon's gadgets are affordable because they're using slower, cheaper parts — but that doesn't mean you can't use a few tricks to brand them faster. While you lot shouldn't look the impossible, by switching off a few settings and taking advantage of a few power-user tips, you can requite your Burn down tablet a pretty pregnant boost.

Clear cache division

The first step towards improving operation on a Fire tablet is wiping the cache division. If you're unfamiliar, the cache sectionalization is the infinite Android gives to apps to store temporary information. It's ordinarily unnecessary to manually wipe this partition, but it does typically make a divergence on Fire tablets, particularly ones that accept been used for a while.

This action volition not delete any of your files or awarding information. The cache partitioning simply contains temporary files that are regularly motorcar-deleted.

First, shut downwardly your Fire tablet by holding down the power button. Once it's off, press down on both the power and volume upward buttons. Once you come across the Amazon boot logo, yous can let go of the book button, but keep belongings down the ability button until you enter the recovery screen (pictured beneath). This method may differ on certain older models, but this procedure is how information technology's accessed on the latest 11th gen Fire HD 10.


On the recovery screen, coil through the recovery card using the volume buttons until "wipe cache partition" is selected, then printing the ability button to enter. Make sure you don't select the factory reset option by mistake. You'll exist asked to confirm your option.

One time you get kicked back to the recovery screen, scroll down to "power down" and select it. Then hold down the ability push over again (without belongings down any volume buttons) to plow your tablet back on.

Uninstall apps yous don't demand

This tip might seem obvious, only it's worth explicitly mentioning: remove whatsoever apps you installed and don't demand anymore. You lot can't delete most of Amazon's pre-installed applications (and disabling them could cause problems), but you can yet become through the apps and games you lot've downloaded to clear out any outdated or unused software.

Turn off telemetry reporting

Past default, Fire tablets send data about how you lot employ your device back to Amazon. While turning them off won't effect in a noticeable speed boost, at that place will exist fewer services running in the background — plus, it just feels nice to reduce Amazon'south personal information drove. Here's where you lot tin find the options:

Marketing analytics

  • Burn down OS 5 and 6: Settings app > Security & Privacy > Marketing
  • Fire Bone 7: Settings app > Security & Privacy > Device Usage Data

App usage data

  • Burn down Os 5: Settings app > Security & Privacy > Collect App Usage Information
  • Burn OS six: Settings app > Apps & Notifications > Collect App Usage Data
  • Fire Os 7: Settings app > Security & Privacy > Collect App Usage Data

Install Files by Google

If you've had your Burn down tablet for a while, y'all've probable accumulated a lot of junk files — downloads, folders from games you deleted ages ago, and and so on. Files past Google is a useful app that can find and clean upward junk files, all in a few taps.

While cleaning up unused files doesn't directly impact performance, Android does offset to slow downwards when you run out of internal storage. Files past Google is great at finding the blazon of leftover data and junk that can speedily make full upwards your tablet's storage.

If you've already installed the Google Play Shop on your Burn down tablet, you can but download Files by Google from the Play Shop. If you don't have it installed, you can notwithstanding grab the Files app from APKMirror.

Don't install apps to an SD menu

Almost Fire tablets don't take much internal space, so many device owners choose to put in a microSD menu. Older Fire tablets let you lot move some apps to the microSD card, but if you have 1 of the newer models with Android 7.0 Nougat (like the 2019 Fire 7 or 2018 Fire Hd 8), you tin can really utilize an SD card equally an extension to your internal storage.

Yet, moving apps to your SD carte makes your Fire tablet slower. As we've covered in detail, even the fastest microSD cards are slower than the internal storage used by modernistic phones and tablets. We tested this 16GB SanDisk A2 microSD carte (A2 cards are supposed to exist the best for apps) with a 7th-generation Fire Hd viii, and random read speeds were 3x slower than the internal storage, with even worse random write speeds. In other words, even one of the fastest microSD cards is twice as slow as the Fire tablet's internal storage.

Disk benchmarks on internal storage (left) and Course 10 A2 microSD (correct)

Every bit a more extreme example, we also tested an older Class ten (non A1) microSD menu with an 8th-gen Burn down Hard disk drive 8. These are among the lowest-form SD cards y'all can still buy, and every bit you can see in the screenshots beneath, random read performance was effectually 6x slower than the internal storage. Random write speeds were unusable, at 35x slower than internal storage.

Disk benchmarks on internal storage (left) and Grade 10 microSD (right)

It's important to note that SD card speeds don't matter if you're just using them for data storage. If you only desire to save Netflix movies for offline use or keep a massive music collection on your tablet, any SD carte du jour volition do just fine. Running applications directly from an SD menu is what will drastically reduce performance.

If you really demand the extra storage for apps, become an A2-rated card similar this SanDisk model. Your apps will still run slower, but they won't be every bit slow as they could exist.

Turn off Alexa

Some people take reported that disabling the Alexa vocalisation assistant can assist set up functioning issues and bombardment drain, so if you don't care most Alexa, it's something yous can endeavour. Open up the Settings app from the home screen (or swipe down from the top and tap the gear icon), select 'Alexa' from the list, and switch Alexa off. Only keep in mind that, if you regularly use Show Mode on a Fire Hd 8 or HD ten, you won't be able to activate it with Alexa disabled.

If y'all're however having bug with slowdowns and battery draining, you can attempt enabling Parental Controls from the Settings app, which prevents Alexa from running at all. I couldn't tell the deviation between that and just turning off Alexa normally, only you might see unlike results.

Nuclear choice: Set a groundwork process limit

If your Burn tablet is still slow, there's one more pick you lot can try. Android has a subconscious setting for limiting the number of applications running in the background. Typically, Android will close groundwork apps when it runs out of available RAM, but you can set up it to be more aggressive. This won't affect button notifications and other tasks that normally stay in the background, just apps you opened and then exited.

Enabling a background process limit can crusade some apps to break, resulting in reduced bombardment life as apps reload more oftentimes. Proceed at your own risk.

Also, this option is not available on secondary profiles on Fire tablets, only the chief user.

First, you need to enable the Developer options menu if you haven't already. Open up the Settings app, select 'Device Options,' and keep borer 'Series number until the 'You are now a developer' message appears. A new 'Developer Options carte volition appear in the Device Options section.

Once yous get admission, open the Settings app, select 'Device Options,' tap 'Developer Options,' press 'Background process limit' (it's near the bottom), and set it to 2 processes.

Now your Fire tablet will simply keep 2 apps running in the groundwork. If you want to turn this off afterwards, just go dorsum to the option and prepare information technology to 'Standard limit'. The setting is also unremarkably reset after a reboot, so if y'all notice your tablet becoming slow, cheque to encounter if information technology'due south still enabled.

Until Amazon steps up its game with the components information technology'south putting in Fire tablets, at that place'southward but so much yous can do to speed them upward. That said, with these tricks ready in your dorsum pocket — and some regular maintenance for clearing out old and unused files and apps — getting a better feel isn't too difficult.

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