
How To Update Google Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome is 1 of our favourite Web browsers for Windows. One of the reasons why we like it is that information technology updates itself automatically in the background. You don't get any annoying notifications about the update and you don't get popular-ups asking y'all to restart the browser. Everything happens silently and works as expected.

The same behaviour also applies to Google Chrome'due south extensions. There are a huge number of Chrome extensions that add functionality to your browser, giving you another reason to use Google'southward browser. You've got peachy extensions that tin improve Gmail, salvage your YouTube videos, or fifty-fifty block out cricket and other topics you don't like on the Web.

Much of this is possible with Mozilla Firefox as well, merely in that location's a big difference. The Chrome extensions just update themselves in the groundwork, unlike many addons in Mozilla Firefox that ask you to restart the browser to manually apply the latest update.

Like near things in life, auto-update of extensions doesn't e'er work. Recently, one of our favourite Google Chrome extensions for YouTube - Streamus - stopped working. An update to YouTube'southward code had caused Streamus to suspension. Every bit it turns out, the programmer had identified and stock-still the problem and released an updated version of Streamus, but the latest update was pending review from Google.

Even afterward the extension was canonical, for some reason, automatic updates didn't kicking in. Chrome updates extensions on its ain schedule, and if an extension is cleaved, yous don't desire to expect for the update process to outset. Thankfully, there'due south a workaround for such cases.

Hither's how you can manually update your Google Chrome extensions:

  1. Open up Google Chrome on your figurer.

  2. In the address bar, blazon chrome://extensions. Alternatively, yous may go to the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) on the top-right > Settings. At present click Extensions on the left sidebar.

  3. At the meridian of the extensions page, check Developer mode. This is next to the big Extensions text right at the pinnacle.

  4. Click Update extensions now under Developer mode.


This will manually update all of yous extensions to the latest version available using Chrome'south extension updater process. Yet, you can likewise manually update an private extension by directly downloading it from the programmer's website. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the extension file (should end in .CRX) from the developer's website. When you endeavour to download it, Chrome will warn yous that this kind of file can be used to harm your computer. Click Keep to go along.

  2. Open the extensions page and enable developer fashion in Chrome as explained above. Delete the one-time extension by clicking on the trashcan icon to its correct, and clicking on Remove.

  3. Locate the .CRX file you downloaded, and drag and drop it into the extensions page.

  4. Y'all volition be asked to confirm the installation. Click Add. That'southward information technology, the new version volition exist installed.

This process can also be used to add third-party extensions to Chrome, just nosotros would by and large advice against using third-party extensions that are not verified by the Chrome Store, since they can be used to spy on your entire Internet usage, and harm your reckoner in other means.

For more tutorials, visit our How To section.


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